
onsdag 27. mars 2019


Idag har jeg en ny steg for steg inne hos Scrappiness :)
Today I have a new tutorial over at Scrappiness :)

Og slik ble mitt album :)
And this is how my album looks like :)

Albumet er tenkt til en konfirmant,
med lommer for hvert år.
The album is for a confirmand,
with pockets for every year.

Her prøvde jeg å fange glitteret!
Jeg digger Glitter kiss, fantastisk glitter og så lett å påføre :)
Here I have tried to take pictures of the sparkle!
I love Glitter Kiss, so fantastic sparkle and so easy to use :)

Konfirmant er stanset ut to ganger,
og limt på hverandre.
The word is cut out twice, 
then glued together.

Tagsene er nummerert,
så er tanken att man skal lime inn ett bilde fra hvert år.
Så har man ett album fra baby til ungdom :)
The tags are numbered,
the idea is to put in one picture for each year.
Then you have a album from baby to youth :)

Tallene er limt kun i nedre kant,
slik att ett bilde kan limes bak ;)
The numbers are just glues at the bottom,
so you can slide a picture behind ;)

Bak på tagen er det rom for å skrive inn viktige ting som skjedde det året.
Så blir det ett flott minne for konfirmanten å ta med seg inn i voksenlivet :)

Ha en flott dag,
klem fra Maya
Back of the tag is white, so you can write something about the year and the picture.
Then the albun is like a memory book for the youth to take into the adult life :)

Have a wonderful day,
hugs from Maya

I am entering my album into these challenges;

Get Creative Challenge - Anything goes/Anything but a card
Dies R Us challenge - One for the ladies (Numbers & Konfirmant is dies)

Tools: Martha Stewart - Edge Punch, Royal butterfly punch. Kort & Godt - Numbers Die, Konfirmant Die.
Embellishments: Papirdesign - Flowers, Dots. Glitter Kiss - Frosty Sparkle Kiss. Kort & Godt - Berries
Other: All edges are inked with Distress ink Walnut Stain.

8 kommentarer:

  1. WOW! This is fabulous and absolutely beautiful! WELL DONE!! Thanks so much for playing in our ‘One for the Ladies’ challenge at Dies R Us. Good Luck and please come back again soon!

    Darlene (DRU Blog Leader)
    DAR’S CRAFTY CREATIONS Please stop by for a visit.

  2. WOW... stunning! Love your album.
    Thanks for playing along with us at our present challenge at Do-Al(l) Kreatives and good luck. Hope you will join us next month again.
    Please keep in mind that you have to be a follower in order to win the prize. When you already following us everything is fine.

    Crafty greetings

    *DT + Admin* Do-Al(l) Kreatives {#27 – Fancy Folds}
    *DT* Kreativ-Tanten Challenge {#27 – fairy tale}
    *DT* Craft Rocket Challenges {#57 – flowers}
    Alex' Kreative Seite

  3. Such a fantastic mini album! Thank you for so much for sharing with us over here at "A Perfect Time To Craft" and best of luck with your entry.

    Lina DT for

  4. This is an awesome project! gorgeous. Thanks for joining us at Dies R Us!

  5. Just 3 words: I LOVE IT!!!!! :-)

    Thanks for playing along with our Do-Al(l) Kreatives Challenge and good luck!

    Hugs and please come back soon!
    Kleido’s BastelStüble
    *Owner* Do-Al(l) Kreatives
    *DT* Die Traumfabrik

  6. A fabulous album. Lovely papers and design.
    Thank you for joining in with the Crafts Galore Encore March Challenge “Anything Goes”. Good luck x

  7. stunning project, thank you so much for joining with us at Get Creative Challenges.
    Irene (DT) Made In Borgo

  8. Tar du imot bestillinger? :)


Så koselig att du tar deg tid til å legge igjen en kommentar!
Det setter jeg stor pris på :)
Klem fra Maya

So nice of you to take the time to write me a comment!
I really appreciate that :)
Hugs from Maya