
tirsdag 15. juli 2008

Even more blog candy :)

It is not just me who has a blog candy,look at what this crafters offering:

Steph - It`s all about me 16th july

Fran made 17th july

Tip Top 18th july

Linda-Linanna 18th july

Shary - The other side of me 18th july

Paperbabe 19th july

Maria`s cards 19th july

Pretty Pressings 19th july

Deb - Country lovin cardmaker 19th july

Andrea Brownjohn`s Magnolia candy 20th july

Emma - Elf creations and Poppicraft sponsoring Emma`s blog candy 25th july

Love scrapping 28th july

ScrapMetal 30th july

Heather`s Creations 1st august

4 kommentarer:

  1. Thanks Maya & good luck in my draw though I much prefer your blog candy, much more beautiful :)! xx

  2. Hi MAYA
    Thank you for entering my blog candy and good luck. Linda x

  3. thank you for entering and good luck! best wishes sam

  4. Thankyou for linking my blog candy :)good luck!
    Your cards are wonderful Maya, I love how you decorate the insides of your cards to match the outside :)
    I am putting your blog on my blogroll, I will definately be back for more inspiration :)
    Heather x


Så koselig att du tar deg tid til å legge igjen en kommentar!
Det setter jeg stor pris på :)
Klem fra Maya

So nice of you to take the time to write me a comment!
I really appreciate that :)
Hugs from Maya