
torsdag 6. januar 2011

Stamping out stamp thieves!!

One of the things I love so much about crafting and blogging
 is the caring and sharing nature of the people involved.
However, recently there has been a shocking case of someone out there in cyberspace
 removing watermarks from copyright digital images and posting them on a blog.
Once this was brought to the various well known artist's attention these images were removed
 from the blog and the person responsible has been reported.
 But now the stolen images have been re-posted elsewhere.
 There is no other word for this than THEFT!

Theft is increasingly becoming a problem for any artist trying to make a living
from digital images and for ALL our sakes we NEED to find a solution!
Talented and respected artist Mo Manning tried to set up a "stamp out stamp thieves" campaign over a year ago and got lots of support from both fans and stamp companies.
The thefts seemed to slow down so unfortunately the campaign did too.

But now we NEED YOU to check it out and help if you can!

The site is HERE

Let's make this a happy and fair place for artists and crafter's alike!
Also, please pass the link along to any "pros" artists, stamp companies or shopkeepers
who might like to join.


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Det setter jeg stor pris på :)
Klem fra Maya

So nice of you to take the time to write me a comment!
I really appreciate that :)
Hugs from Maya