
fredag 17. juni 2011

Guttekort/Boys card

Når jeg så Magnolia bilen for første gang, visste jeg att jeg bare måtte ha den ;)
Helt perfekt for guttekort, og andre prosjekter!
When i saw the Magnolia car for the first time, i knew i had to have it ;)
It is perfect for boys card and other projects!

Maja-Design papirer, billett stempel fra NSS.
Tekster fra Norsk stempelblad.
MS kant stanser.
Bling stener.
Maja-Design papers, ticket stamp from NSS.
Text from Norsk Stempelblad.
MS edge punch.
Bling stones.

Edwin og bilen er maskert sammen,
og fargelagt med Prisma color blyanter.
Edwin and the card is masked together,
and i have colored them with Prisma color pencils.

Ha en strålende fredag!
Klemmer fra Maya :)
Have a wonderful Friday!
Hugs from Maya :)

I am entering my card into these challenges;

Crazy 4 challenge - Masculine card
Saturday challenge - Male card
Dream Valley challenge - Father/Male card
Craft us Crazy - Masculine card
Dutch Dare challenge - For the boys
Shelly`s Images - For the boys/men

My card got picked out to the "With honors section" over at Make it Colorful *Wohoo*
Thank you so much, girls ♥

22 kommentarer:

  1. O, oj, oj så fint guttekort. Flott utenpå, men jammen likte jeg kortet kjempegodt inni og jeg.

    Ha en flott helg Maja!

  2. Jeg forstår godt at du måtte ha den bilden, den var kjempeflott :)
    Herlig gjennomført guttekort.

    Det er lenge siden jeg har lagt igjen hilsen her hos deg nå, men jeg er stadig innom ;) Ønsker deg en god helg.

  3. Kjempestilig guttekort. Likte dette veldig godt!

    God helg.


  4. Ååå gud a meg, for et stilig guttekort. Kanon kult stempel, den bilen MÅ jeg også ha. Flott fargelagt og det passa så godt med MS punchen.

    Ha en riktig god helg Maya!

  5. This is fabulous Maya beautifully coloured and i agree this image is perfect for male cards. Have a wonderful weekend

    ali x

  6. Fantastisk drengekort, den bil tror jeg bliver en 'må ha'.
    God week-end.
    klem fra Dorte

  7. Kjempeherlig guttekort! Både utenpå og inni! Den bilen MÅ jeg bare få tak i, altså (innkjøpsstopp eller ikke...)
    Klem fra Lisbeth

  8. Kjempestilig guttekort. Den bilen er jo en MÅ-ha ser eg :)

  9. Himmel så fint!! Härliga färger och söta detaljer! Gillar stjärnorna som återkommer inuti kortet :)
    Den där bilen MÅSTE jag bara införskaffa!

    Trevlig helg sötnos!

    KRAM Petra

  10. Helt supert guttekort! Jeg har kikket litt på denne bilen jeg også, og nå MÅ jeg ha den ;) Masse lekre detaljer som vanlig.

    Klem fra Aina :)

  11. Hi Maya
    love your very difficult to make ( I find) male card.
    Sandra (craftynan)

  12. This is a phenomenal card, inside and out!!!! The papers are gorgeous and the images are colored to perfection. Beautiful!!!!

  13. WOW!!!MEEEEN så himla fint kort....jag tror jag smäller av!! =) Riktigt fint killkort!

    Kram Maritha

  14. Awesome work. Your detail work is just wonderful.

    Thank you for joining us at Craft Us Crazy.

  15. Fantastisk flott kort. Tusen takk for at du deltar hos Do You Stack Up.


  16. Hei Maya, ich besuche seit einiger Zeit sehr gern deinen Blog - hier finde ich immer gute Anregungen. Für Jungen und Männer finde ich immer wenig Motive, deine Karte gefällt mir sehr gut !!! Ich wünsche euch in Norwegen ein gutes Wochenende aus Deutschland! Renate

  17. Fab men's card!
    Thanks for joining us at the Secret Crafter Saturday Challenge!
    Helen x

  18. Love your card! Great job!
    Thanks so much for joining us in our “Father’s Day and/or Masculine colors/theme” challenge at Craft Us Crazy and hope you will join us again!
    Huggies ~
    Craft Us Crazy DT

  19. What a wonderful card, the car and the boy go together beautifully! Thanks for playing with us at Dream Valley Challenges.

  20. Fabulous card and really well coloured - I love the shine that you've achieved on the car door, and I agree it's a perfect Edwin stamp to use for men. Love it! Thanks for joining in with us at Dream Valley Challenges and Make It Colourful. CoB

  21. lovely card Maja, that Magnolia car is indeed awesome and great for boycards
    thanks for joining the DYSU challenge this week

  22. Wow, you have done a wonderful job with this card! I love that you completed the inside as well. Your coloring is outstanding! I'm so glad that you joined us at Shelly's Images Snakes, Snails and Puppy Dog Tails Challenge and I hope we see more of your creations in the future!

    ~kurlygirl Kurly-Q


Så koselig att du tar deg tid til å legge igjen en kommentar!
Det setter jeg stor pris på :)
Klem fra Maya

So nice of you to take the time to write me a comment!
I really appreciate that :)
Hugs from Maya