
fredag 26. mai 2023

A confession and Slim ATC #26

First of today, 
I have a confession..
It has been a crazy week,
so I haven`t had the time to make a card for today.

But I have manage to colour in this cute frog from the new set!
And She has the most cute face ♥

The stamp set is called;

I promise to make a card with her, as soon as possible!

But I have made the Slim ATC for this day ;)
And the theme is Bright & Bold!

I have used;

Have a wonderful Friday,
hugs from Maya


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Så koselig att du tar deg tid til å legge igjen en kommentar!
Det setter jeg stor pris på :)
Klem fra Maya

So nice of you to take the time to write me a comment!
I really appreciate that :)
Hugs from Maya