Winners announced in a new post!!!
For en jobb!! *smiler*
Min egen lille blog candy for å feire 10.000 besøkende!
Den består av en gavepose med H & S motiv og den er fyllt opp med.....
Jepp, H & S trykk! Hele 140 stemplede trykk av alle mine H & S motiver *smiler*
Hva du må gjøre for å være med i trekningen?
Du må:
- Legge igjen en kommentar i dette innlegget.
- Legge inn ett innlegg i din egen blogg,og fortelle om min blog candy,med link hit til dette innlegget.
Og det var alt!
Hvis du ikke har blogg,send meg en mail på : mstensha(snabelA),så er du med i trekningen!
Jeg vil trekke en vinner på søndag den 20 juli kl 21.00.
Lykke til!
Puhhh finally finished!
And here it is,my own little blog candy *smile* to celebrate that i have had 10.000 visitors!
The candy is a paperbag filled up with.....
Yes, Lots of H & S motifs,i have stamped up 140 images of the H & S that i have. *smile*
What you have to do,to bee in the drawing?!
You have to;
- Make a comment on this post.
- Make a post on your blog with a link to my blog candy,just to spread the word :)
And thats it! *smile*
If you don`t have a blog,just send me a mail on: mstensha(at) and you are in!
I will draw a winner on sunday 20 july at 21.00.
Good luck!
Front of the paperbag.
Back of the paperbag.
And some of the images :)
Some of the motifs are brand new,and some are old ones. :)
Have a great day!
If you haven`t got a comment from me on you`re blog or receivd a mail from me,then you haven`t played by the rules..Only the ones who link back to my blog candy will be in the drawing.If you don`t have a blog,you must send me a mail!
søndag 20. juli 2008
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Jeg har fått mange spørsmål om hvordan jeg lagde barnevognen min. Jeg har også fått flere spørsmål om jeg kunne lage en steg-for-steg, så he...
Ikke sikker på hva jeg skal kalle dette kortet?! Men uansett, dette kortet hadde jeg en steg for steg på i Ett Trykk magasinet nr 2 2...
Da har Kort-o-mania startet på,og sef er jeg med! Var med i sommer også,og det var så moro :) Kort-o-mania går over 12 uker,og ...
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256 kommentarer:
1 – 200 av 256 Nyere› Nyest»Your blog is beautiful.. I cant wait to see the H and S stamps when Funkykits gets them in...
I adore the one of the little girl sat on a wall... she is my fave stamp so far!!! :) have a lovely day!!!
Åh, så mye fint du har i bloggen din! Likte spesielt den gaveposen! Nydelig! :)
Maya you should have more hits on your blog than this. It is an injustice as your work is stunning. Gorgeous bag and what a blog candy its awesome. x x x
I'm sure it won't take long for another 10,000 visits to happen! Lovely cards, aren't H&S stamps just gorgeous to work with? I am jealous of you having so many wonderful stamps... Best wishes, Tara
gosh, her var mye lekkert gitt...takk for titten.... :o)
I don't mind not winning the Blog candy but could you send me a paperbag, it's beautiful and your blog inspirational. Congrats on the 10,000 hits hun
TracieB xxxx
I would love to be in on your blog candy if you're including the U.S.! I don't have a blog, but I do have a gallery on Splitcoaststampers and I post my cards there. TFS!
What a beautiful bag. These stamps are new to me, I haven't seen them very much, but they are so cute.
Som sagt mange ganger i kort trådene dine, du lager fantastisk flotte kort!! Fortsett med det:-)
Du inspirerer masse:-)
Well done on the number of visitors to your blog. I have visited before and love the way you use colour. No blog myself, but will e-mail you for a chance on the blog candy.
Ooo... lovely!! :) I've blogged HERE! Thank you for the chance!! :)
Wow, what a nice blog candy, congrats with your 10.000 hits. I hope to get there myself one day.
Oooh - what a lovely, lovely blog! I'm really not surprised you got so many hits...... And what a fantastic person you are to give away such yummy candy! I've linked you on my blog
Så snill du er som har en blog candy med så masse fint! :D
Tusen takk for titten! Jeg har kost meg masse her! ;)
Åh, herlighet! Så snill du er! Ja, denne vil jeg være med på! Så fint at vi som ikke har en blogg også kan få lov til å være med!!! :D Har ikke fått "somla" meg til å opprette blogg ennå!... Sender deg derfor en mail, jeg. :)
Din blogg er en jeg er mye innom, for å se på alt det lekre, nydelige og flotte du lager!!
Så mange nye flotte h&s stempler du har,- jeg misunner virkelig vinneren allerede! Kjempeflott gavepose du har laget til stempeltrykkene! :)
Jeg vil gjerne være med! Så at det lå trykk av hÄngelgutten med gitar der også... han er jo bare så søt!
Jeg har skrevet om blog candyen din her:
Gratulerer med 10 000 besøkende Maya! Det er ikke rart når du har så masse flott å vise frem;)
Jeg iler til bloggen min og forteller om blog candy'en din;)
Stor klem fra meg;)
Maya, I love your blog and this candy looks GORGEOUS! I've left a link on my blog.
Fantastisk premie du har i din blogcandy! Er så misunnelig på alle disse søte stemplene - og gratulerer med 10000 besøkende:0)
Har linket til deg i min blog. Masse fine kort du har laget!
Så snill du er som feirer besøkstallet med å gi ut en blog candy! Og for noen flotte motiver!! Skal linke til deg og bloggen din litt senere i dag; akkurat nå er det et lite bursdagsbarn som vil ha oppmerksomhet ;). Klem
Så mye lekkert du lager! Fant linken hos kortmanitove! ; )
Hei på deg, du er så utrolig flink. Gratulerer med 10.000 besøkende. Flott blogcandy, den kan jeg tenke med å vinne. Klemz
Wow her var det masse flotte kort og for en herlig gavepose. Heldiggrisen den som vinner den flotte blog candyen du har laget til. Jeg virkelig digger de stemplene så når har jeg lagt deg til i bloggen min og skrevet om deg:)
gratulerer så masse med 10.000 besøkende!!Så masse lekkert i denne bloggen, glad jeg oppdaget den!!! kommer tilbake på besøk senere jeg!!!
Ååh.. jeg er så på leting etter disse herlige stemplene!! Trooor du ikke nettbutikken deres holder stengt til 1. august da.. :( buhu.. ! Så da må jeg prøve å få klørene i denne Blog Candyn.. hihi.. Den er jo helt knall!! Har linken den i bloggen min :)
Hello!!! beautiful yours blog! I adore the blog candy! this is my blog, kisses
Ciao!!! Bello il tuo blog.. Adoro i blog candy! questo è il mio Blog:
Baci Stefania
un saluto da Roma....
anche io ho lanciato un piccolo blog candy!
What a wonderful gift! Thanks so much for the chance to win!
Hi ^_^ can I be in to your blog candy?
thanks ^_^
Kjempe bra blog candy! Og så myyyye fint du har laget!!! Digger bloggen din=)!
Hilseb Cathrine!
Bello il tuo blog!!!! Tornerò sicuramente a farti visita :-)))
hei hei.har ikke vært her på bloggen din før.altid koslig å se nye blogger:-) og blogg candy er morsomt så dette vil jeg gjerne være med på:-)
Denne bloggen er helt fantastisk. Jeg er ganske ny i bloggeverden men jeg skal prøve å legge inn link til deg.
Kjempefin blogg, jeg er helt i startgropa med kortlaging, så jeg suger til meg alle tips jeg finner, masse flotte kort du har!
Takk for titten
You have a gorgeous blog. It won't take long for you to get another 10,000 hits!!
Hei, masse nydelig på sida di:-)
Å ja takk, nokon stempel hadde vore veldig kjekt!
Jeg vil gjerne være med på blog- candyen din. Har lagt et innlegg på bloggen min her:
Pleased to meet you! I'm from Italy and I'm going to put your link in my blog.
Her er det mye inspirasjon å hente.......
Skal prøve å linke tildenne siden, er ikke helt stø på det, men
Legger deg til i Norske bloggere på siden min jeg.
God sommer!
Å så mye lekkert du lager.... og selvfølgelig må man være med på en slik sjanse som å få en slik gavepose av deg.....
Så fin blog du har! Første gang jeg er innom her, kommer definitivt innom igjen! Masse inspirasjon å hente... Liker kjempegodt de sommerfuglene du lager med glitter!
Skal legge inn en link til deg med én gang på bloggen min ...her
Hilsen Laila
This is a lovely blog, and wow what wonderful blog candy. Have linked your blog candy to my blog. Would love you to visit. Linda x
everything on your blog is fantastic I love it!
Have left a link on my blog for your candy and so others can see your beautiful work!
Hi Maya. Jeg er vild med dine kort - utroligt flotte med mange detaljer - de er til stor inspiration.
Og hvilken flot blog candy - 140 H&S aftryk.. Jeg ville nyde at vinde dem!..
Mange tak for chancen. :-)
Hilsen Tina.
Så masse fint du lager. Må altid inn i mappa di og se :o) Gratulerer med 10 000 besøkende.
Gaveposen din var nydelig.
Klem fra Janne
Congratulations Maya. The blog-candy is great, i´ve posted on my blog.
Hugs, Andrea
Wow..... Maya
was für ein tolles Blog Candy!
Ich habe gebloggt!
Hugs Gisela
congrats with 10.000 visitors.
beautiful blog
have nice week
Gratulerer så masse med over 10000 besøkende..
Har lagt deg til i bloggen min... ;)
Congratulations on getting so many hits on your blog. I would love to win such wonderful candy.
I have left a comment/link on my blog. I also have some candy on offer if you would like to enter.
Jen x
Gratulerer med 10,000 besøkende:)...kanskje ikke så rart siden du er så kreativ!!:)En ekte inspirasjonskilde for meg som fortsatt er litt nye i "kortlaging-gamet" Ha en fantastisk dag:)
I'd be happy just with the bag...its gorgeous! Your creations are stunning so off to link you now...and well done with all your visitors! Hugs Emma.x
Congratulations :)
And thank you for givin us a chance to win your blog candy !
I posted a link on my blog
Super candy, lots and lots of H&S mmmm...scrummy, congrats on 10,000 hits, I've linked your blog
lv gill x
Congratulations! Your work is stunning and I will be coming back. I love H & S so I would love to win this candy.
You are linked on my blog.
Cathy xxx
Congratulations! I've put a link on my blog:
Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
Digger H & S stemplene, så dette var en toppers blog candy! :)
Har lagt deg til på bloggen min jeg;)
Takk for titten!
Your work is all amazing! Great blog candy too as I love all of the H & S stamps. Thanks for the chance to win.
Wow wonderful blog and blog candy!!! I linked you in my side bar!! thanks for the chance:)
Que lindas tus tarjetas!
Håper det er greit at jeg legger deg til som en av mine favorittbloggere... Det fortjener du. Selv er jeg nybegynner og vil gjerne bli med i trekningen din;)
Stikk innom min blogg og hjelp meg gjerne med forbedringer... Jeg trenger det!
Wow! What a prize!! I definitely want a chance at winning this. It is too cute to pass up. I have blogged about you, feel free to drop by.
Wonderful candy and beautiful blog! Glad I found you!
Wonderful candy and beautiful blog! Glad I found you!
Ciao Maya !
congratulations for the 10.000 visits ... I wish you as many !!!
My name's Samantha and I'm writing from Italy ... I had a look on Marika's blog and I've noticed your blog candy ... I'd like to join ! what a amazing prize !!! I love these illustrations.
You make such a lovely things !!!
Any suggestions for a birth album (for a boy) ?!?
I keep my fingers strongly crossed !!! However, Good luck to everyone here !!!
I'll make a post on my blog with a link to your blog candy as soon as I've solved some connection problems... it's a promise !!!
kisses 'n' hugs
wauw, what a great blogcandy.
Thanks for giving me the chance to winn this.
you're on my blog.
xoxo Karin
what a great blogcandy.You have a great blog too !!
Linked you on my blog as well
I would love your blog candy, not a hAnglar stamp or image do I own. Have linked to your blog.
Your cards are stunning, I would love to win your blog candy, so will be linking back to your blog from mine.... Take Care
What beautiful images and a big congratulations to you! There's a shout on my blog.
Congratulations on your 10,000th hit! I heard about it atNes's Scrappin'. I also posted to my blog here. I'm not sure if this is open to bloggers in the U.S., if not, I'll still keep the link on my page to spread the word. Thanks again for giving us all this wonderful opportunity. That bag is just precious!
Hi there Maya, what beautiful work you do. Well done on your 10,000 visitors. I have posted about your candy here and am keeping everything crossed for a chance to win this fantastic prize - thanks for being so generous.
What a lovely blog you have.
And I really love your candy, I don't have any of the h&s stamps, so it would be very nice to win ;)
I leave a link on my blog.
XXXX Marjolijn
Wow.. you are very generous to give away this fabulous blog candy! I'm a great fan of those little cuties, but I'm not able to get one of them because I'm living in Germany and unfortunately Marie doesn't ship outside Sweden and Norway... but maybe now I'm the luckiest girl and win your candy? That would be soooo cool!!! :-)
Love & Smiles from Germany
PS: Here is my link to your blog candy
I love the paperbag - it's so well done! Congrats on all your hits - I'd love to win this wonderful blog candy! I've commented and put a link on my blog! Thanks!
Du lager utrolig mye fint, en nytelse å se! Kjempefint med så gjennomførte og detaljerte kort, både foran, inni og bakpå.
Utrolig fin blog!! Og bra candy:)
Lekker gavepose.
Takk for sjansen til å vinne!!
Klem Camilla.
Hi! My name is Gloria and I am Italian. Wonderful blogcandy, compliment!! also your jobs are very beautiful! my blog is:
kiss, Gloria
wow...10.000 visits...congratulation!Love the Penny Black stamps...
Kiss from Italy
Thank you for the chance to Win this wonderful Blogcandy.......
I have link you on my Blog
I can't get these stamps in the USA. I weould so love to have some to play with till I figure out how to get some. Thanks for sharing. I have you posted in a link on my blog.
Åh så mycket fint det finns här. Jättefin blogg. Jag vill jättegärna vara med i din tävling. Mvh Tessan
Så mye utrolig fint du har laget. Stilen din er slik jeg vil lage, men jeg klarer aldri å komme meg dit.. ELSKER H&S stemplene! De er rett og slett fantastiske!Tenj å kunne vunnet den posen full av stempeltrykk!! :D
Gratulerer med 10000!
Ikke så rart med en så koselig blogg :o)
Hærlig blog candy!
og den gaveposen var bare nyydelig <3
Iler hjem for å linke deg på bloggen min :o)
Hei Maya! En suuper blogcandy har du jo laget - må bare slenge meg med, selvom jeg ser sjansene begynner å bli små ;)hihi
Gratulerer så mye med 10.000 besøkende - absolutt ikke noe rart i det hele tatt!! :)
God helg! Stor klem fra Marte
Oh my goodness!! That bag is just gorgeous! And so are the contents lol.
Here's hoping!!!
Maya I cant believe you have only been crafting since last year your blog and cards are stunning and the bags are just beautiful
Congratulations on your hits
Oh how wonderful Maya your cards are georgous
wonderful candy so many images wow
Wonderful blog candy! You have a really nice blog, I enjoyed my visit :)
Here's my LINK
Congratulations for your 10.000 Hits, your Blog is great. And I love this Blog Candy ;)
du er så god altså!!!!
La en link til deg jeg, på bloggen min!!! Flott candy!
Wooooh......what a nice candy!!
I really love the H an S stamps!!!
Maya, asså, herrejesus så snill du er! Jeg er en smule flau, men det var sånn at den andre postbunken lå et annet sted - nå har jeg i hvert fall tatt kortet ditt med i et nytt innlegg, håper det er ok :)
Dessuten har jeg reklamert for candy'n din, så da er jeg med...?
Masse gode klemmer fra Hanne:)
Wooow Maya, congratulations on reaching 10.000 Blog Hits!! Thank you so much for the chance to win this wonderful candy, love it ...
Hugs, Moni
Hi Maya
Thanks for the chance to win the lovely stamped images..... I'm in love with your altered bag it's so beautiful
I have posted about your candy on my blog HERE
Julie x
Så mye fint du har i bloggen din. Har lagt den til på lista over inspirerende blogger i tillegg til å linke til blog-candyen din.
Ha en fortsatt fin sommer.
Når jeg så nærmere på det, forsvant det liksom litt i alt det andre, så nå har jeg gjort det ordentlig :)
masse klemmer :)
Oj vad mycket fint du har skapat! Hoppas vinna lite blogg-godis så klart men är jätteglad att ha hittat hit för all inspiration du ger!
Your blog is very nice and the idea of candy is lovely.....I'd like to have those stamps!
hugs from Italy
Maya, I found you while blog hoping this morning and what a joy!! Your artwork and creativity is the best I have seen in a while. I put a link on my blog to your site and your candy. Love ALL your work!! Here is the link: Have a great day!!
I just found your blog through another blogger friend. Love your work and the candy looks gorgeous. Don't have any stamps like that so hope I am lucky. x
Your blog is beautiful! I especially like this bag. You're very talented! I can't believe that you've been stamping for such a short time.
I just found your blog (subscribed) and am new at learning to make cards. You have some beautiful ones! I can't read German or whatever language you write but am glad you translate some of it into English! I can still get card ideas even if I can't read it! Thanks!
I commented about you on my blog
LOVE your blog! Your paper bad is adorable! What great blog candy!
Hugs~ Kim
I love the blog-candy and you are is OK !!! :-)))) I not speek inglesh :-)))))))))))))))
Det er første gang jeg besøger din blog. Det er nogle super flotte ting du laver. Jeg vil helt sikkert kikke forbi en anden gang
Beautiful blog candy Maya...I adore the bag that you have made.
My link to your blog candy
Carole ;o)
you have some beautiful things on your blog, I adore the bag - I just love the H & S Images - congratulations on 10,000 hits. Linked you on my blog
and will be popping back regularly :-)
I love these cute little images and am so thankful for a chance to win.
Here is my blog
I have done what is needed of me for a chance to win these adorable bunch of images!! AND that baggy ~ how cute!! Congrats on all your hits and thanks so much for this opportunity to get these "so hard to get" images!!!
Wow! that is some great blog candy! Congrats on all your hits.
WOW- beautiful stuff here. I will gladly post your blog candy.
Ooh! Please pick me! I am in the USA and haven't found anywhere to purchase these stamps. They are so adorable, so I would love to have some images to play with! Thank you for the chance to win!
Oh wie wundervoll, na dann hoffe ich doch das sich die Glücksfee auf meine Seite stellt und ich den tollen Preis bekomme. So viele schöne Stempelabdrücke!
Greetings from Switzerland
Hi great blog and candy!
A link is here
Första gången jag är här. Men säkert inte den sista...
Wow- vilket bloggodis du bjuder på!!
Vill gärna ha en lott, men har ingen blogg, så jag mailar dig.
Ha en bra dag! :-)
I just ran across your blog from another post and girl your blog isi gorgeous. Your work is just beautiful !!! The blog candy is to die for, here in the US, we don't get those wonderful stamps. So I just had to have a try lol I have linked you to my blog Here
Hei Maya! Superfin side du har og jeg er imponert over hvor flink du er når jeg leser at du begynte med dette i 2007! Jeg har linket til deg i bloggen min. Hanglar stempler er veldig søte. Har den siste pakken fra Hanglar selv, men ingen flere. Ikke så lenge siden jeg begynte å lage kort, men det er jo så gøy!
Thank you so much for the chance to win these!! Here is my post:
I love your weblog. thx for looking
Well done on 10,000 hits! And thanks for the opportunity to win a fabulous prize! I've left you a link on my blog!
oh what fun!!! I would love to win these....I have put a link on my blog. Thank you.
Maya you are so lucky to have Hanglars & Stanglars. I can't wait for Funkykits here in th UK to get them in. Old, New it really doesn't matter they would all be New to most of us. Thanks for the chance.
I have linked you on my blog here it is
What a lovely blog & I adore the paperbag. It's beautiful. x
Wow, what delicious candy :)
You have so pretty cards, it was nice I found my way here
OMG the bag alone is beautifull!
and ofcourse congrats with 10.000 visitors!
Gratulerer med 10000 besøkende i bloggen din! Gaveposen du har laget er helt nydelig :-) Håper jeg blir den heldige vinner :-))
Har lagt link til blogcandyen i bloggen min.
Hilsen Heidi
Jättehärlig är din blogg!!!!
What wonderful blog candy. I would love to win some of these stamped imagesas I don't have any yet! I have left a link on my blog.
Vicky x
Vilken härlig blogg. Massor av fint att ta del av också.
Grattis till dina 10,000 besökare! Bra jobbat! Jag vill väldigt gärna vara med i din utlottning, eftersom jag inte äger en endaste de stämplarna själv... :)
Un saluto da Lugano....
I love this stamp....
Fabulous cards, great blog, wonderful blog candy.
I am looking forward to them being stocked in the UK.
Am off to leave a link on my blog.
Sam x
I am so happy I found your blog. your work is amazing. I will come back often. I think your offering is wonderful. I cannot get these stamps here in Canada. Thnaks for the opportunity! I left a link in my blog. Look under Back To Civilization post.
awesome stuff! your blog is great the stamps are fab! jen t. ( have agreat day!
Hi Maya,
auch wenn ich bei Candys nie Glück habe, versuche ich es doch immer wieder.....
An so einer tollen Candy kann man ja nicht einfach vorbei gehen *lächel*
Ich werde dich auf meinem Blog verlinken.... und mir die Daumen drücken...
hugs Sonja xx
Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Maya!
Was für eine tolle Blog Candy!
Ich verlinke dich auf meinen Blog.
Lg, Tanja
Du verden så mye fint å se på her i bloggen din:-)
Jeg har ingen blogg, men jeg sender deg en epost. Nydelig gavepose...............
Kathrine Borgenvik
Thank you for the chance to win your fun blog candy. I will also send you mail!
Thanks again!
Gorgeous blog candy , I have linked you on my blog. :0)
Congratulations on your hits.
Your blog is beautiful! that paperbag is gorgeous and all those H&S images! I will certainly link back to you straight away! annie x
I would love to win these they are so very cute here is my blog that I posted the site at.
Lisa McDowell
this candy is great, love the bag!
have linked you on my blog,
What a wonderful blog! I would love to win some H & S images from you. I've been doing a lot more coloring with my card lately and these look wonderful!
sandyh502001 at yahoo dot com
I love your paper bags! Do you have a template that you follow? Or do you actually cover a paper bag with designer paper?? I'd love, love, love to win your blog candy!! :) I've added a post to my blog...
Så flott, liker godt H&S, så her vil jeg være med. Har lagt link på siden min.
Så nydelig pose med trykk! Jeg har gitt deg en award i bloggen, du har kanskje fått den tidligere - men hadde lyst å gi den til deg likevel. Og ja, jeg vil gjerne være med på trekningen - så legger inn en link i min blogg.
Ha en riktig god sommer!
Your blog is beautiful. I am from Holland. The bag is beautiful.
greetings from Holland.
What a beautiful blog you have, i love all your cute cards so glad i found it.
Great bag...and who wouldn't want all those images!! Good luck everyone! :)
I put your blog on my blog about this and I agree with the others, who wouldn't want the images?? they are so great and gorgeous. one can always add to their collection with images. :) here is my blog:
thanks for sharing.
Sitter her å surfer etter inspirasjon, og dermed ramlet jeg inn i din blogg hvor det er enormt mye flott. Med denne blog candyen finnes det absolutt ingen grunn til ikke å legge igjen en kommentar;) Ha en fortsatt flott uke!
Förstår verkligen att du har haft så många besökare :-) Såååå mycket fint att titta på, tack för inspirationen. Hit kommer jag att hitta fler gånger.
Har länkat i min blogg om din "Blog Candy"
Sköt om dig!
complimenti per le 10,000 visite
I would LOVE to win some fun stamped images!!
I need your email addy in english so I can send you an email because I dont have a blog - please email me at - thanks
I linked you on my blog!! Great cards, can't wait to have a better look around!
I am so happy I found your blog thanks to my friend Marte. You make gorgeous cards and beautiful paper bags. For sure I will come back often.
Also, this is the most amazing Candy Blog that ever see. Thank you for the opportunity of play. My fingers are crossed.I linked your blog to mine. :))
Dear Maya, i love that stamps. And i MUST try to win yours. But if your candy was only for the paperbag i would try it too. Its a lovely paperbag!
Congratulations. You have a really nice blog. Thanks for the wonderful blog candy. I posted a link on my blog. Greetings form Germany, Andrea
Hei på deg Maya : )
Nydelig blogg, og gratulerer med
10 000 treff !!
Håper det er greit at jeg har lagt deg til i bloggen min : )
Ha en fin sommer : )
Dear Maya!
Congratulations to your 10'000 visitors! Your blog candy is just stunning! Woooowww, if I would win... I think I would collaps.
Thank you for having left a comment on my blog. That was a very nice surprise!
BIG hugs
oh my - how beautiful and how very kind of you
Whoever wins it will be delighted I am sure
My Blog is here
Beautiful Blog. I have left a link on my blog for yours
Beautiful work and beautiful candy!
Congratualions on you blog hits and here to many more.
Love Dingle.x
Gorgeous blog and I love those H&S images!
I have put a post and linked you on my blog candy roll on my blog here
Wow!!! You really made a terrific bag, Love Love Love it :)
And the motifs are a great gift to win, hope I'll have some luck this time. My Daughter is hooked on scrapping and card making also. A creativ mom is like a virus :-))))
Nydelig gavepose!
Lekkert i fargene med lilla og brun/besj.....
Håper det er greit at jeg linker til deg i min blogg!
Reklamerer for blog-candyen!
Ha en fin sommer!
Wow, what a bag, what a fantastic candy. I've left a link on my blog. Thanks for the chance of some lovely candy. Anita
Wonderful blog, wonderful cards, wonderful blog candy! Thank you for the opportunity. :o)
I have linked to your blog candy post on the sidebar of my blog, HERE
Your blog is fantastic.I am glad I found it.I will put a post on my blog and link back.I will add you to my favourites as well.x
Wonderful blog, cards and blog candy, too. AWESOME.
Hope I'm your lucky winner.
Joyce B.
WOW! You are so generous!!!! I hope I win!! The bag is to die for....soooo cute!!!!! Here is my shout out to your blog candy post:
Thanks for a chance to win!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum 10.000 Besucher, du hast ein wundervollen Blog mit wirklich tollen Sachen!!!!
Gruß Iris
Congratulations with 10.000 visitors.You have a great blog. And what a great blogcandy you give away. I left a message on my blog and you can see it here.
HI... Love you blog... thanks for the chance to win!
What wonderful blog candy! You have some beautiful cards here, your work is fabulous!
Brilliant blog. Love your cards Maya. Not much hope of me winning this candy! We live in hope though.Lindax
so many clicks, grandious
of course I love the images and would love to have them but Maya, this bag is just stunning, a work of art, what fabulous candy
Gratulerer med 10.000 besøkende! Utrolig flotte kort du lager og Kjempeflott BlogCandy! Er gjerne med på den :) Har lagt en link i bloggen min. Hilde.
Maya--the bag is worth the candy! what a gorgeous bag! love your blog!
DebiNicol at yahoo dot com
love your work! i linked ya! jen t.
Ohhhh, I sooo love those stamped images!! I hope I win! Your blog is amazing! Im linking you now.
Great candy, I've have left a link on my blog.
Congrats on the 10,000 visits, your artworks are wonderful
It's so beautiful!!!
Congratulations for your successful blog!! I like what you're doing, I think I'll come back often!!
Blogcandy and such super cute?
Please, please, I want to go for it.
Best regards, Nadine
wow, great blog candy! I linked you on my blog :)
best wishes sam
woweee would love to win, your cards are fabby
Congratulations on your 10,000 hits though after looking at your blog I can see why - of course I will link your blog to mine. Gorgeous candy you are offering too x
great blog candy! my blog her
Oh wow Maya fantastic blog candy, I would be in heaven if I was lucky enough to win!! Congratulations on your 10,000 hits your work is fab.
Now off to leave a link on my blog!
Joanne x
åhhhhh for en lækker blog candy det ville ikke være tosset at vinde, da vi jo ikke kan købe de stempler her i Danmark:=)
tillykke med de 10.000 inlæg :)
What a fabulous blog! I am glad another stamper posted about your blog candy on her blog or I would never have found you.
My blog is here
Congratulations on 10,0000 hits - what fantastic blog candy and a great bag too
Sharon x
Your blog is amasing... just love those hAngels!!!
posted on my blog! thanks for the opportunity!
Beautiful blog. I made a link on my blog and I hope I win!!
I love your cards, begining to wish I lived in Norway!
I do not have a blog so will email you.
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