torsdag 6. mars 2014

Friendship ♥

Jeg har laget ett lommekort til idag :)
Og selve lommen har jeg laget av kalkerpapir,
så den er gjennomsiktig, og man får en anelse av hva som er på innsiden ;)
I have made a pocket card for todays post :)
And the pocket itself is made of tracing paper,
so the pocket is transparent and you get a peek of what`s inside ;)

Nydelig sommerfugl borden, den er jeg virkelig glad i :)
Kalkerpapiret er embosset med embossingfolder som fulgte med e-Bosser.
Gorgeous butterfly border edge, i love it :)
The tracing paper is dry embossed with a embossingfolder that i goth when i bought my e-Bosser.

Sommerfuglen er klipt ut ifra borden :)
The butterfly is cut out from the border :)

Banneret er egentlig ett god jul banner,
men jeg har maskert vekk teksten, og satt inn en mer passende tekst ;)
The banner is a Merry Christmas banner,
but i have masked away the text and stamped another text ;)

Og slik ser tagen ut  :)
And this is how the tag looks like :)

Nydelige motivet ♥
Dette motivet ble fargelagt til Kreativ Scrapping sin farge inspirasjons post :)
Gorgeous image ♥
The image was colored for the inspiration thread over at Kreativ Scrapping :)

Dobbelt panel, så man kan skrive en personlig hilsen :)
Double panel, so i can write a greeting :)

Og baksiden av lommekortet :)
And the back of the pocket card :)

Ha en superduper dag,
klem fra Maya ♥
Have a wonderful day,
hugs from Maya ♥

I am entering my card into these challenges;

Cuttin and Stampin Challenges - Butterflies are buzzing
Deep Ocean challenges - Just for a girl
Crafting from the Heart challenges - Anything goes/Use dies or punches

Stamps: Bildmålarna - LWF Bunny
Sentiment: Bildmålarna - Merry Christmas banner. Norsk Stempelblad - Til deg, kjære venn. Stempelglede - Jeg er så glad.

Tools: Spellbinders - Labels 8, Border A2 Curved 1. Joy Crafts - Butterfly Edge. Memory Box - Fresh Foliage.
Embellishments: Seam Binding ribbon, Pearls, Flowers, Pearlspray.
Other: All edges are inked with Distress Markers Wethered Wood. Seam Binding ribbon is also inked with Distress Ink Wethered Wood.
Colours: Skin - Tattered Rose, Tea Dye. Cheek - Mix of Worn Lipstik, Fired Brick. Hair/Shoes - Antique Linen, Vintage Photo. Dress/Flower - Mix of Wethered Wood, Iced Spruce. Bunny - Pumice Stone, Tattered Rose. Carrot - Mustard Seed, Rusty Hinge. Grass/Ground - Peeled Paint, Forest Moss. 

27 kommentarer:

marion sa...

Absolutely stunning, thanks for joining us at Cards und More and good luck, hugs, Marion PS I have a candy on my blog that you can enter if you want (

Craftymum sa...

Your card is wonderful, I love the idea of the tracing paper and the embossing you did on it...I think I may have to have a go at that myself. Beautiful :)

Synnøve sa...

Så nydelig, Maya :)

Linda sa...

Lekkert. Flotte farger og detaljer :)

Pop's Cards sa...

Hi sweetie this is just gorgeous, huggles Pops x x x

coops sa...

oh wow this is just amazing maya.really love your beautiful design and details and the image is adorable ;D

xx coops xx

Ellen-Karin R. sa...

Så vakker kortet er.
Litt underlig hvordan du får all ting så pent.
Den lyseblå fargen elsker jeg.

Anonym sa...

Hi Maya, Such a beautiful project. Gorgeous image and love the colours. Thank you for joining challenge 8 at Crafting From The Heart. Good luck and we hope to see you again soon.

Hugs Erin DT and Co owner x

Dorte sa...

Smukt og kreativt, Maya,
klem Dorte

by belle sa...

Beautiful! I love the softness of your card! Thanks for sharing with us at Cuttin and Stampin!

Bente Årstad sa...

Så utrolig flott kort og den sommerfugldiesen var flott. Likte godt embrossingen og nå gleder jeg meg til min e-bosser kommer i posten, klem bente:)

Sandra sa...

Ett sådant fantastiskt kort, Maya! Jag älskar allt med detta - detaljerna, designen, papperskompositionen och din färgläggning är ju som vanligt helt super!!!
Önskar dig en härlig fredag & helg!
Kram Sandra

Ida sa...

Så stilig med et papiret!:))
Her kom vårfølelsen. God helg!:))

fiona mctiernan walker sa...

Hi Maya your card is beautiful love the layout of it its gorgeous.
Thankyou for joining our challenge this week at Crafting from the heart challenge blog and hope to see more of your work very soon.
Fiona dt/blog co-owner xx

Teresa Kline sa...

what a gorgeous card, so many amazing details! I am so glad you played along with the Simon Says Stamp Tag It challenge!

sparkle & shine

Sharon Noble sa...

Hiya thank you very much for joking us at http://hobbybookdesignerchallenge.blogspot. During our first ever challenge I adore your card it is stunning sorry it's breathtaking I do hope you join us for our second challenge big hugs Sharon DT

❤ Kaia sa...

Nydelig kort Maya.....
Lekkert oppsett, nydelig motiv og papirer...
Kos deg masse på bursdagen din...

Klem fra Kaia

Jo Nevill sa...

Stunning. I just love all your amazing details !

Thank you for joining us at Simon Says Wednesday Challenge.

Jo x

sian sa...

WOW what can I say this is breathtaking and elegant. Thank you so much for playing along with JIC this week from Sian (DT Co-Owner)

Karen (karey2005) sa...

Soft and pretty! What a cute image too! Thanks for joining the Cuttin' and Stampin' challenge! Karen N (DT)

Krafthead sa...

This is such a wonderful card! I love all of the elements! Thanks for playing along with us over at Hobbybook :D Kenya~

Stempelomi sa...

lovely card!
I'm very happy that you take part at the Cards and More Challenge. To participate in the draw of the prize and the Top 3, you have to follow the challenge rules. Unfortunately, you have linked more than 5 challenges and can not take part in the draw this time. I am so sorry. I would be delighted if you join in again next time :-)


Unknown sa...

Your card has amazing detail. Thanks for joining the cuttin and stampin challenge.


What a lovely card great design, love the image & colours you have used.

Thanks for joining us at hobbybook first challenge.
Tracey dt

Stempelomi sa...

lovely creation!
I'm very happy that you take part at the Cards and More Challenge. To participate in the draw of the prize and the Top 3, you have to follow the challenge rules. Unfortunately, you have linked more than 5 challenges and can not take part in the draw this time. I am so sorry. I would be delighted if you join in again next time :-)


Milnie sa...

This is gorgeous, love all the details!
Thank you for playing along with us at Crafting for all Seasons. Good Luck and I hope we see you again!

Milnie DT

Anonym sa...

What a stunning card, love the image, layout and papers you have used. Thank you for joining us over at CFAS, Good Luck and we hope to see you again soon. Alison xx


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