torsdag 27. januar 2011

Tickled Pink Stamps Valentine blog hop

Velkommen til Tickled Pink Stamps Valentine blogg hopp ♥
Hvis du kom ifra Magali
er du på rett vei ♥
Om ikke hopp til Amy og start hoppingen der :)
Welcome to Tickled Pink Stamps Valentine blog hop ♥
If you came from Magali
you are on the right way ♥
If not, hop on over to Amy and start you`re blog hopping there :)

Utfordringen over hos TPS challenge blog er vintage,
så jeg ville gjøre noe vintage ;)
Og hva er mer "vintage" enn en bunke med kjærlighets brev?!
The challenge over at the TPS challenge blog is Vintage,
so i wanted to make something vintage ;)
And what is more "vintage" than a pile of loveletters?!

Sånn ser bunken med brev ut :)
Brevene er konvolutter som er limt oppå hverandre.
Inni hver konvolutt er det kartong for å få litt mer fylde i haugen ;)
And this is what my pile of letters looks like :)
The letters are envelopes glues on top of eachother.
Inside every envelope there is some cardstock, to make them a little thicker ;)

Søte Cherrie er fargelagt med ProMarkere.
Cute Cherrie is colored with ProMarkers.

Og når man knyter opp båndet, skjuler det seg en hjerte eske på innsiden,
selvfølgelig med hjertesjokolade ♥

Takk for at du hoppet innom meg,
og hopp videre til Nicole :)

Klem fra Maya ♥
And when you untie the ribbon, there is a hodden heart box on the inside,
with some heartshaped chocolate ♥

Thank you for hopping by my blog,
and please do hop on over to Nicole :)

Hugs from Maya ♥

And here is the blog hop list, if you get lost on you`re way ;)
Kylie Crossley aka Brown
Kylie Kueter aka Blondie
Maya (you are here ♥)
Nicole Pink Spotlight Guest

Tickled Pink Stamps har SALG for øyeblikket,
så løp og sjekk det ut :)
Tickled Pink Stamps has a SALE going on at the moment,
so do go check it out :)

81 kommentarer:

Yani sa...

This is so gorgeous! Loved every single detail about it.

Kylie sa...

I loved this card before you opened it! Chocolate, yuuum! This is a brilliant idea hun. Gorgeous.

Hugs, Kylie ox

Mea sa...

Herlig fred så nydelig! :) Du er jo så uendelig kreativ! Blir helt målløs.

Håper du lager en tutorial på denne. :)

cowboydutrem sa...

I absolutely love this idea of the hidden box inside the letter pile! Brilliant!

Martha galvez sa...

Adorable!! Just stunning. Love this please share how this is made!!!

Unknown sa...

c'est magnifique

Anne sa...

Så utrolig morsomt og nydelig kort!! Herlig!

Klem :-)

Chelle sa...

That is an awesome idea.

Turid sa...

Så morro med blog hop! Mange fantastiske kreasjoner rundt om i verden! Du har et nydelig kort i din! Søte stempler ;)
Jeg hopper videre :o)
klem Turid

Nicole Wright Designs sa...

I love this stacking and layering! Really stunning!

jan farnworth sa...

great job love it.

Renkata sa...

wow Maya,
this is sensational idea.
So romantic!

Lau W sa...

You're really so so creative ! This is beautiful Maya !

Therese sa...

Wow, du er virkelig en fantastisk kreativ sjel...jeg er imponert! :)
Hmmm..hvordan har du fått til det hjertet inni disse konvoluttene da..det satt jeg og lurte på.. ;)
Klem :)

Leanne sa...

Maya, Gorgeous card/project! This is a really terrific idea!! Love the papers and the distressed vintage look you created with that cute image. TFS!

Brenna sa...

That is such a cute idea!! Beautiful project!

Ann Elin sa...

Noe sååå stilig da!
Herlighet så mye spennende du lager:) Kjempefint!
Ann Elin

Becky Dunham sa...

Maya - this is sooo sweet! I love the vintage look - amazing idea of the pile of letters and what a perfect treat inside! I am a new follower after browsing your blog, but I am definitely going to have to get used to the time change :)

Knerten sa...

Nææ, så rått, Maya - kjempeartig med den overraskelsen inni brevbunken, da. Fascinerende :-))
Rålekkert, forresten.

Chrissy sa...

This is amazing, just stunning. Your imagination should be bottled and kept forever.GORGEOUS.

BlackBird sa...

So beautiful! Great idea.

Sigrund sa...

Jeg sammstemmer med alle de andre : Et fantastisk kort, du er så kreativ at man bare må bøye seg i ærbødighet for deg. :-))

Theresa sa...

What a beautiful, and clever, idea. I love everything about it. TFS! sa...

That is so Awesome and would love to have the Instructions on how you did it!! TFS!!!

Louise sa...

WOW Maya!!
Jag sitter här med hakan nere i golvet! Vänta lite, jag måste bara fånga upp den igen ;) ;)

Så där...det här är helt UNDERBART Maya! Helt fanstastiskt vackert! Du är så kreativ :) Det finns nog inget du inte kan ;)


Jeanette Wallén sa...

Du är helt galet duktig!!! Vilka kreationer jag hittade här i din blogg - jag måste titta mer!! Såå mycket fint! :D

tanjaak sa...

What great project!

Loz sa...

omgosh Maya this is gorgeous!! What a gorgeous idea hehe!! Love them or it? lol! ♥

Lillian Child sa...

WOW - fabulous design!!

Unknown sa...

This so awesome and such a cool idea. Love the hidden compartment.

Maria Therese sa...


Sally Richardson sa...

What a terrific idea.. I just love it. Well done

Fran sa...

Oh my gosh, this is so clever, I love it!!! Amazing work Maya, this is such a perfect little valentine :)

Tasha sa...

OH WOW! this is so creative and completely gorgeous - fantastic idea
Great hop
love tasha xx

Crystal sa...

This is so GORGEOUS & such an amazing idea! I love all the details & the chocolate filled heart box inside best of all! Thanks for sharing.

Katie sa...

The creativity in this project is just stunning! I'm in love with every aspect of it!

gobeagirl sa...

Hi Maya. This is just a great idea. I love how you have made the papers look aged and how well you have colored too. Really beautiful. Hugs, Lisa G

Anonym sa...

OMG this is so cute! I really love this project!

TFS and you now have a new follower!

becky.mayhewlear AT gmail DOT com

alethea sa...

I absolutely love this!! You are so very talented!! Everything about this is brlliant!!

Crafty Jenn sa...

Such a pretty project! Thanks for sharing!

Gurkiss sa...

Oooh WOW WOW WOW you are very talented. I LOVE this :)

Hugs Gurkiss

Jacqueline (Sjakkie) sa...

Beautiful Maya. Your vintage project is absolute wonderful!
Hugs Jacqueline

Zarah sa...

That has got to be the most clever, amazing idea ever. I am... seriously blown away. WOW!

Bron sa...

WOW this is gorgeous, love it all. Hugs from Bron :-)

Randi WS sa...

Wow Maya, denne eska er ubeskrivelig vakker - også så kreativt!! Superherlig!!

Masse varme klemmer,
Randi WS ;)

Nikki sa...

Oh this is brillant and eye candy to look at and then some to eat it's a perfect combo :)
hugs Nikki

Leonie sa...

Wow what a fabulous idea!! lov ethe concept of the love letter s then to open it to find chocolates..yum!!
Hugs Leonie

Sandie sa...

ooh, what a wonderful creation!! LOVE it!!

Karyn S sa...

what a gorgeous love letter chocolate box! vintage is a favourite of mine and I love your creation!

gila sa...

oooh, wie toll, find ich fantastisch, klasse
lg gila

Larisa sa...

Very nice idea - the box is fantastic)))

Marie-Anne sa...

What a lovely pile of letters! Like the idea of putting chocolats in it a lot.


Scrappin' Sista sa...

Love it. So cute. TFS and the chance to win.

Christel (Scrappin' Sista)
askscrappinsista (at) hotmail (dot) com

Kiksisworld sa...

Wow!Your project is gorgeous! All this layers. The coloring is perfect!


Christine Schärfer sa...

Vilken bra ideé och vilket fint kort! Du är så otrolig duktig!!! Bägge tummen upp för dig. Önskar dig en trevlig helg också!

Christine S

Anonym sa...

WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW stunningly beautiful, you are so clever with your idea's that you come up with.
You have a 10 out of 10 from me.
Sandra (craftynan)

ChickieChirps sa...

This is a gorgeous project! I love it! Your colouring is lovely and the hidden heart box is supercool!


slbt17 sa...

wow! what a great project!
Sandra ltb

Sue D sa...

Wow--fantastic and very clever project!

Emma and Susan sa...

OMG........AMAZING!!! What a GORGEOUS idea Maya....I love your papers and the gorgeous flowers and you have coloured Cherrie just STUNNING!!!
Big hugs

Annelies sa...

Wow! You're gonna give some people a fantastic valentine! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

JLJ Designs sa...

Your project is fantastic! I would never have expected it to open up with chocolates inside. So beautiful!


Crafty Spark sa...

gorgeous!! chocolates yum! love it great idea.

Kellie sa...

OMG Maya this is absolutely amazing! Your colouring is WOW and the design is OMG WOWZERS!

Hugs xx

Anonym sa...

What a fun and creative project! Great idea! Its lovely!

Shana sa...

That is amazing Maya! What a fabulous idea and absolutely gorgeous!

Tracy sa...

The hidden box is so clever! Fantastic design. Would love to see a tutorial. Thanks for sharing!

Axa sa...

How clever!

Sammi sa...

Stunning! these are so sweet!!

♥ Kristy Woods ♥ sa...

WOW Maya so very beautiful! And fabulous colouring.
Kristy xo

Mary M. sa...

What a wonderful project.

Julie sa...

You really are very talented - this is beautiful.


Tara Godfrey sa...

Oh my Gosh this is just an incredible creation, Maya! I love this idea to bits!!!! Cherrie is gorgeous and I love all the stunning flowers!!! absolutely magnificent!

Anonym sa...

Wonderful!! It looks like a pile of lovely letters, and what a surprise to open it up! Ingenious!!

~ I'm a New Follower of your Blog

Hip Hop and Awaaaaayyy!

WomanInACrystalCase at Gmail dot com

Shazza sa...

Maya this is great and with chocolate inside is even more delicious to look at x

Jenn sa...

Great work, I love the vintage look

Scrappers' Ranch sa...

very creative and very pretty!
Bonnie C

Kimberly sa...

Awesome project...just love it. Coloring is fantastic as well. TFS!

stephanne sa...

Wow Maya, this project is stunning, what a great box you've created and I love your use of TPS images!! Beautiful work, I am inspired by your creativity!!! By the way, I ate my delicious chocolate bar and it was incredible!!! Soooo delicious, thank you!!!!
hugs, stephanne

Tash Daly sa...

Fabulous idea Maya and executed so beautifully. Simply adorable. :-)

Karina sa...

What a cute image. Love it! And your card is adorable. You made a wonderful job with it.
Hugs, Karina


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