Den setter pris på alle dere som legger igjen kommentarer og ikke minst alle nye blogg-venner man blir kjent med! *smiler*
Jeg fikk min award fra Nixe - Moni Thank you so much! *hug*

The rules of this award:
1. Only 5 people allowed.
2. 4 have to be dedicated followers of your blog
3. one has to be someone new or recently new to your blog and live in another part of the world.
4. you must link back to whoever gave you the award.
Quite simple really it is a way of saying thank you to those who take time out for wonderful comments to boost your day
I give it to:
And the last one goes to Lim
4 kommentarer:
Congratulations in your new award, you really deserved. I love all your cards. Thank you dear Maya for thinking about me.
Tuuusen takk for award søte Maya!
Klem fra meg;)
Tuuusen takk, Maya! Skal føye deg til *fnis*
Masse klemmer fra meg, fremdeles i nord :)
Tusen tack söta Maya för den underbara awarden och för att du än en gång tänker på mig!
Massor av kramar SasSa
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