Blir så glad over å få priser og enda mer glad og rørt over att folk sier att jeg er til inspirasjon!
Tusen tusen takk!! *Klem*
I have recived to awards!! *smile*
It makes me so happy to get this awards,and even more happy that i can be an inspiration to others!
Thank you so much! *Hug*
Den første prisen fikk jeg av Angella Tusen takk for prisen *klem*
The first award i got from Angella Thank you so much *hug*

The rules of the award:
1. Only 5 people allowed.
2. 4 have to be dedicated followers of your blog.
3. one has to be someone new or recently new to your blog and live in another part of the world.
4. you must link back to whoever gave you the award.
Then i give it to;
And the last one goes to:
Og denne prisen er en smule spesiell! Endelig en pris du kan gi til hvor mange (eller få) du vil!
Denne fikk jeg av Mel Tusen tusen takk!! *klem*
This award is speciale! Finally a award you can give to as many (or few) you want!!
I got the award from Mel, Thank you so much! *hug*

Here are the rules:
1. You can give it to one or one hundred or any number inbetween - it's up to you. Make sure you link to their site in your post.
2. Link back to this blogsite; Women,Art,Life;Weaving it all together
so she can go visit all these wonderful women.
Purpose of the Award: To send love and acknowledgement to women who brighten your day, teach you new things and live their lives fully with generosity and joy.
So here is my ladies who brighten my day,teach me new things and makes me happy!!
Anita (Neeta)
Og en haug med andre,men akkurat nå (i 30 varmegrader) så klarer ikke hjernen min å tenke *ler*
And a hole bunch of others,but right now (in 30 degrees) don`t my brain work *laugh*
6 kommentarer:
OOh thank you for the award!!!! Have it up and posted already!!!!
Thank you Maya that is so kind of you!
Du är då för gullig! En till award till mig! Tack Maya.
Ha en underbar dag!
Kram SasSa
Ååå, Maya, that was just what I should til to say *fnis* du skulle få denne av meg du, men så er jeg jo så ferietreeeg :/
Uansett; tuuusen hjertelig takk asså! Syns denne awarden er noe helt for seg selv, så flott som den er. Skal få gjort noe med den i løpet av kvelden :)
God klem :)
Maya, thank you so much for my award, you have made me smile :0)
Thankyou so much, Maya, it's very sweet that you thought of me, your cards are amazing, you are an inspiration
lv gill x
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